The Innovation You Book
Get the book that explains the whole system: “Innovation You: Four Steps to Becoming New and Improved.” In this book, you’ll learn to be a Creativizer, to incorporate what’s unique about you in everything you do; to make you new, seize opportunities, and address challenges in your life. You’ll first learn to leave your old habits behind and instill a new innovator's mindset. And you’ll end with a true and tried method of changing your life.
“This is not just another book on innovation. Within these pages, Jeff DeGraff takes a lifetime of learning and teaching about innovation and turns it into a conversation about what it takes to change, grow, and create. And he does it with honesty and wit. You’ll discover “we grow when our life sucks” and other DeGraffisms that put into perspective the hard work and motivation that goes into innovating at work and in life.” Beth Comstock, Chief Marketing Officer, General Electric.