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Maximize your experience with Innovation You by upgrading to a premium web subscription. At the same time, you can show your support for Public TV. There are two upgrade options
Public TV pledge
With a donation of $250, you will receive the “New You Combo” from Public TV. It includes:
- The “Innovation You: Four Steps to Becoming New and Improved” Book
- The Public TV “Innovation You with Dr. Jeff DeGraff” DVD
- An additional 2-DVD set that features the Innovation You workshop, which gives you step by step instructions to innovate your life
- Access to the web premium subscription, with all the following benefits.
- Premium assessment:
- Comprehensive personalized report based on the individual assessment result, with type indicators, growth exercises, and innovation work plan
- Group assessment, where a group of viewers (family, friends, business unit) can take the assessment together and receive a personalized group report with growth exercises and work plan
- Innovation You workbook download as used in the Public TV DVD set
- Mobile Innovation You application, which includes a card game and a mini assessment
- Information for upcoming podcasts, video downloads and webinars focusing on various innovation topics
- Personalized daily or weekly email of innovation news and articles.
To support Public TV, click here!
Premium web subscription only
With the subscription, you will have access to:
- Premium assessment:
- Comprehensive personalized report based on the individual assessment result, with type indicators, growth exercises, and innovation work plan
- Group assessment, where a group of viewers (family, friends, business unit) can take the assessment together and receive a personalized group report with growth exercises and work plan
- Innovation You workbook download as used in the Public TV DVD set
- Mobile Innovation You application, which includes a card game and a mini assessment
- Information for upcoming podcasts, video downloads and webinars focusing on various innovation topics
- Personalized daily or weekly email of innovation news and articles.
To get the premium web only subscription, click here!